On the 16th I set off walking the entire perimeter of Canvey Island, a total of just under 14 miles. The weather ranged from overcast, freezing cold and windy to bright, sunny but still cold and windy. I thoroughly enjoyed this trek and have written more about it elsewhere on y blog. Click HERE if you want to read more and see lots of pictures.
On the 20th I took the boys for our mornings run along the beach at Shoebury East Beach. The sky was nice and clear as the sun rose but the temperature was hovering around the 0 degree mark. The boys had their usual swim as I sat and drunk my coffee. After our walk I stopped in the local bakery, GARRISON BAKERY, and bought a lovely fresh Sour Dough loaf which, when I got home, I toasted and ate with a healthy topping of scrambled eggs topped with chilli sauce. It tasted sooo good……..