12th APRIL

For this mornings walk I took the boys to Wakering Common as i hadn’t visited there for a little while. Its a lovely little common with some small clumps of trees, with man made pathways, you can walk through. Theres also some little hobbit holes here and there that the kids can play in. Its one of the cleanest public areas I,ve been too in a long time with not a scrap of litter to be seen anywhere, I believe there is a group on Facebook that take care of the place. Only a short walk but worth the trip out there.


It was a trip around part of Cherry Orchard Country Park today with the skies clear and blue but a real nip in the air. We walk this park quite a lot as its really local to us and covers a large area of land with fields, ponds, streams, pathways and woods to keep us occupied. We took our usual route, left side of the park to the pond then back down the right side along the River Roach, having a little explore through a small copse of Hazels as went. There is lots of places to nose around in this park if you are prepared to look for them. I spotted the usual pigeons, crows etc but also watched a woodpecker fly across one field as well as spotting a beautiful Jay flitting from tree to tree along one off the stands of trees.

Later in the evening I took a little walk around a local fishing lake to see if the carp that live there were cruising around. I didn’t spot any carp but I did get welcomed by these two swans.

17th APRIL

Early morning walk today along my favourite stretch of the tidal River Crouch. Again it was chilly but sunny as I strolled along the top of the sea wall towards a large expanse of marshland. We walked around this marshland 6 weeks ago on our charity walk and although tricky to navigate it was a beautiful adventure. The marshland creeks hold all sorts of wildfowl especially during then winter period. I walked to my usual spot, a set of EA observation steps, and sat down for half hour to soak up the peace and tranquility of the surrounding area whilst I drunk my coffee. Drink gone and I set of back to the van, stopping off to let the boys have a nice swim first though.

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