This evening, the 10th, I decided to take a walk locally to explore the immediate surrounding area of where I live. I’m fortunate enough to live on the outskirts of some great countryside and I want to learn more about it. Anyways I left the house and proceeded to a nearby lane which rapidly turn into a dirt track which runs from Rochford through to Hawkwell. This was a pretty enough walk with fields on either side and trees and hedges running along its length until it ends at a not too busy main road. A short way along this road is a church, St Mary the Virgin of Hawkwell, which I have meaning to stop of and view for a while now as it is quite pretty. I took a little walk around its grounds and took a fair few pictures whilst there, as you can see below. After this it was just a steady couple of miles along a couple of roads until I was back home home, nothing interesting there. All in all I think it was a 3.5 mile amble and is worth doing again I reckon.
Today, the 11th, saw me walking along the banks of the River Crouch again in the beautiful sun, I do so love this stretch of the river. I walked left at the steps and headed towards Lovedowns Sluice trying not to step on any snails, it had rained during the night and there was a few of them out for a mornings slither, as there was a fair few on the pathway. The Purple Salsify has started to open its flower heads in certain places along the path and I noticed that there was two different shades of purple in the flowerheads in different areas, I wonder why. Arriving at the sluice I had a 10 minute sit down and watched the world wake up before upping sticks and making my way back along the path towards the van. Walking off the sea wall I heard a cuckoo calling close by, only the 2nd cuckoo I,ve heard this year so far, and quickly I spotted one flit through the bushes further ahead. I quickly, and stealthily walked towards the area I,d seen it and soon found two cuckoo sitting on nearby fence posts and one was calling again. This was the closest I,ve gotten to one of these birds other than catching a fleeting glimpse of one now and then as they flit between tree tops in the distance. I was just about to take a picture of them when a dog walker further along shouted noisily at her dog and scared the birds away. I wasn’t too pleased at this noisy woman I can tell you, but at least I got to see the cuckoos up close.
It was low tide when I arrived at my chosen fishing spot on the River Crouch around Canewdon way, 12th of May. Quickly tackling up and casting my bait into the blue looking waters it wasn’t too long before I had banked a couple of Thornback Rays. The weather was warm, sunny but windy and I enjoyed my few hours fishing in glorious surroundings. After 4 hours or so I had caught and returned 4 nice rays and was on my way back along the track towards my van, happy but knackered because its a long walk to this area. If you want to read more about this fishing trip then click the link to my angling blog BRYANS ANGLE.
Another walk around Cherry Orchard this morning, the 16th, was in order and the weather was glorious, finally we have some warmer temperatures. Me and the boys walked our usual route, along the left of the park and returning via the right side along the river. Nothing special to report on just a lovely pleasant stroll for me and a rage around for my fur babies.