Every year I say to myself that I will go out and find some beautiful swathes of delicate white flowered snowdrops and take some atmospheric photographs of these gorgeous little wild flowers, but every year I miss the boat and only get myself sorted after the flowers have wilted. Its not as though I have to travel far to find any either, there is a good few woodlands within 30 minutes drive off where I live that are carpeted with these lovelies at this time of year. It’s just that I keep forgetting to do it.

This year though I was lucky enough to stumble across a small patch of snowdrops happily growing beneath a small group of trees that border a rough car park at the bottom of a railway exit just up the road from me. I’ve been turning my van around in this car park for the past few years now after I have dropped ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’ off at the station for her commute to London. In all that time I have not noticed these lovelies growing in between the fallen branches, leaf litter and general crap left behind by commuters but I am glad that I had on this day. Initially I only gave them a curious ‘whats all those white things over there’ glance as I pulled out onto the small approach road but then it dawned on me what I had actually seen. A quick emergency brake and I reversed back into the parking area and jumped out the van to check if they were actually what I thought I had seen.

This ‘Pukka’ little find just goes to show that Mother Nature will always find a way to survive in the oddest of places. It also has made me realise that I should keep my eyes open a bit more as I could well be missing out on finding more little gems like this.

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